Welcome to...

The Rise Of
The One

Digital Marketing

Specializing in Client
Acquisition Systems

Gerald Speaking in front of room

To assist coaches, consultants, course creators, & B2B service providers to get into the 1% of wealth by using our innovative digital marketing strategies.

To help entrepreneurs scale their businesses by leveraging the power of social media with client acquisition systems.

Business Community Events

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High Level Photo 3
High Level Photo 1
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Anniversary Pic 3
High Level Photo 2


Years of experience


Followers on LinkedIn


Business Owners Serviced

Youth Entrepreneurship Training

Gerald School Picture
Gerald School Picture 3
Gerald School Picture 2

What sets us apart?

Expand your business and steadily increase your revenue with our fully managed, done-for-you service.


Attract Hundreds of Leads Online
Once your campaigns are live, you can anticipate generating dozens or even hundreds of hot leads each month, all on autopilot.

Convert Leads into Paying Clients
We're more thanjust a lead generation service. We provide expertassistance and best practices to help you closedeals effectively.

U.S. Based Dedicated Account Managers
Yoursuccess is our priority. We offer support throughweekly reports, monthly strategy calls, andcontinuous campaign optimizations.


LinkedIn Optimization
“Done for You” LinkedIn
Client Acquisition System
Appointment Booking


LinkedIn Optimization
“Done for You” LinkedIn
Client Acquisition System
Appointment Booking
Marketing Automated
Follow-Up (Email & Text)
Pipeline Management
Remote Sales Team Hiring
and Training


LinkedIn Optimization
“Done for You” LinkedIn
Client Acquisition System
Appointment Booking
Marketing Automated
Follow-Up (Email & Text)
Pipeline Management
Remote Sales Team Hiring
and Training
Facebook/Instagram Ad
Retargeting Ads for
Facebook and Instagram
YouTube Ads

Client Success Stories

Growth without paid ads

Lashaon Brooks

Lashaon Brooks
Increased her revenue by $40K in few short months by implementing our strategies

Denise Murray

Denise Murray
$20K increase in revenue in 2 months leveraging our strategies

“Just a Testimonial update, I actually just submitted my first piece of business from the efforts of this program. Which generate over $800 in Commission Definitely looking forward for more to come!

Appreciate you guys Gerald Bass Charliette

Cummings & Antonio Wealthy Milhouse !”

Donald Cunningham

“Day one of running the automation.

I will say that what's amazing about this 1% system is how well the team teaches you to align every step of your marketing so that you increase the
likelihood of reaching people who WANT to be reached by you.”

Mariah Jones

“Thanks to taking action and following Gerald Bass simple directions...My Sunday appt book is FULL!!!
I'm so excited for the chance to help so many people.”

Nicole Queen

“Gerald Bass is awesome to work with. I am super excited after connecting with this man. He's a beast when it comes high ticket sales, Facebook marketing & lead generation. The most important thing is that he actually cares about his customers & clients results & well being. This is rare in the digital marketing Mike Testimonial community, and Gerald is that rarity that you want to have on your side. If you haven't connected or started working with this man yet, then stop waiting and get with this brother. Thanks for being awesome Gerald!”

Micheal Baptiste

“Testimony Thursday... Kudos to 0%E Gerald Bass for the quick reaction from last week coaching call on getting out a FES Prospecting and Closing Script... It was exactly what we needed. With that being said, I was able to use the script he gave us to close a Protection Plan customer this evening using it. Right when the coaching call was ending I got another text message from a potential customer and once again the script has allowed me to schedule an appointment for 9am in the morning.... Good night and May God continue to bless everyone of us!! “

La Toya Clark

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